Mastering imperfection
In this Upper-Intermediate lesson plan, students will talk about the benefits and drawbacks of perfectionism and ways to tackle it, comment on some works of Lauren Bonham, find out more about compound nouns, learn some words related to giving your opinion and provide comments on social media like TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.
In the warm-up part, the student tries to guess the mystery word based on the clues (perfectionism).
Video: Artist tackles perfectionism
Before watching a video, the student learns new vocabulary that will be used in the video (smudge, smear, struggle, etc.). Then, the student watches the video about an artist who struggles with perfectionism. They complete the video comprehension activities.
Grammar: Compound nouns
The student learns what compound nouns are and completes the rules regarding their formation. They get to identify and build compound nouns.
Finally, the student looks at a few of Lauren Bonham’s paintings and comments on them. The lesson ends with a review of vocabulary and grammar.

The Sesame Street Phenomenon
In this B2 level lesson plan, students, using various exercises, learn…

The price of fame
In this upper-intermediate lesson, students will explore the topic of fame,…

Fashion tips
In this C1 ESL lesson plan, students will master advanced vocabulary