In this Intermediate lesson plan, the student will learn the differences between to and towards, on and onto, in and into.
The student matches the sentences describing a panda’s position and movement with the pictures.
Video: To vs. toward
The student watches a short video explaining the difference between to and toward. Then, they complete the sentences from the video. What they learned about to and toward, the student applies to on vs. onto as well as in vs. into.
They practice using the prepositions by completing the sentences and correcting the mistakes.
The student makes sentences about a panda based on the pictures.
The lesson ends with a review activity.

Look, see, and watch
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The lie or is it the lay of the land?
In this Upper-Intermediate lesson plan, students will learn the differences between lie and lay.

Are you dangling your participles?
In this Advanced ESL lesson, students will learn how to recognize dangling participles. They will…