In this A2 English lesson, the student will learn the differences between there, their, and they’re; your and you’re; its and it’s.
Based on the phonetic transcriptions, the student comes up with words (e.g. there, they’re, and their).
Video: Your or you’re?
The student watches the video Grammar: Your or You’re? and learns the difference between the two. They complete the sentences they heard in the video and the grammar rules. They practice the correct use of these word forms by completing sentences and correcting mistakes.
Video: It’s or its?
The student watches the video Grammar: It’s or Its? to learn the difference between the two word forms. They complete the rules and decide if the sentences based on the video are true or false. They match the beginnings of sentences containing it’s and its with their endings.
Video: There, their, or they’re?
They watch another grammar-themed video. This time, they learn how to use there, their, and they’re correctly. They complete the video sentences with the missing word forms.
Finally, they read a text that includes all the word forms they learned about in the lesson and correct the mistakes they find.

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