In this Advanced ESL lesson, students will learn vocabulary to talk about the history of how people have assigned value to art and craft. Students will also learn how to use gradable and ungradable adjectives. This lesson will also focus on getting students to discuss traditional art forms and the impact it has on the world.
The lesson starts with general questions related to art and craftwork.
Video: Is there a difference between art and craft?
The student learns new vocabulary by matching it to definitions (monument, utilitarian, apprentice, etc.). They practice using them in sentences, and then, they move on to watch the video Is there a difference between art and craft?. The video is followed by video comprehension questions.
Based on what they learned from the video, they group objects into two categories – art and craft (Navajo rug, violin, sculpture, quilt, etc.).
Grammar: Gradable and ungradable adjectives
The student learns about gradable and ungradable adjectives and how to make a distinction between the two. They read lists of the most common gradable and ungradable adjectives, as well as the adverbs/modifiers with which they usually appear. Next, they match gradable and ungradable adjectives of similar meanings. The student completes sentences related to art and craftwork with appropriate adjectives and adverbs.
Vocabulary: Art and crafts
The student matches names of objects they learned with the pictures (sculpture, saddle, quilt, etc.).
The lesson ends with a discussion in which the student gets a chance to put the new vocabulary into practice.

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