In this Advanced ESL lesson, the student will learn vocabulary to talk about relationships. They will also learn and practice causative forms.
The lesson starts with an activity in which the student names different types of parents (step, single, biological, etc.).
Then, the student reads some common sentences parents say and remembers in what situation their parents would say these things to them.
Reading: Helicopter parenting
Prior to reading a text about helicopter parenting, the student gets familiar with some vocabulary first (hover over, meddle, partake, etc.).
Then, they read the text and answer some comprehension questions.
Grammar: Causative forms
A sentence containing a causative form is extracted from the text, so its structure is analyzed and its use explained. Both causative forms are presented.
In the practice part, the student rephrases sentences using the causative form.
Idioms: Family
The student learns some common idioms used to describe the relationship between parents and children (a twinkle in one’s father’s eye, fly the nest, nearest and dearest, etc.).
Phrasal verbs
The student figures out meanings of some phrasal verbs from the context (bring on, come through, pick on, etc.).
They do the same with the words describing parents and parenthood (authoritarian, suppress, possessive, etc.).
Pick a card
The student picks a card, reads the description of a situation, and says what they would do if they were a parent.
Video: Helicopter parenting
The student watches a video about five ways helicopter parenting can affect kids, and answers the questions that follow.
Reading: Latchkey kids to helicopter parents
The student reads a paragraph about latchkey kids and how they became helicopter parents. The text is followed by a reading comprehension activity.
Based on a chart, the student determines parenting styles (authoritative, permissive, etc.) and then discusses them.
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It's a very interesting lesson plan, full on idioms, phrasal verbs, nice video. It's useful for me. Thanks.