In this ESL grammar lesson, the student will learn and practice using Present Simple and Past Simple Passive.
To activate prior knowledge, the student picks the sentence they think is written in Past Simple Passive.
Past Simple Passive
The structure and use of Past Simple Passive are explained. The student practices using this form by identifying it and filling in the gaps. They also practice transforming sentences from active to passive voice.
Present Simple Passive
The structure and use of Present Simple Passive are introduced and compared to Past Simple Passive. The student completes the sentences using this form and decides if the sentences are written in Present Simple or Past Simple Passive. They also practice transforming sentences from active to passive voice.
By + Subject
The student learns and practices using ‘by + subject’.
Questions with Present Simple and Past Simple Passive
They learn how questions in passive voice are formed and practice rewriting questions in passive voice.
Video: The dinner party from hell
The student watches an excerpt from The Office and answers the questions related to the video using passive voice.
Finally, the student picks a card with a sentence and provides its active/passive equivalent.
OK boomer
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