Don’t offend the pizza guy…

Don’t offend the pizza guy…

Lesson overview

This C1 lesson plan focuses on expanding vocabulary related to the consequences of our decisions. It also covers the use of “wish”and “if only” to express regrets.



We’ll start with students sharing the feelings evoked by two Picasso paintings.



A viewing of “Pizza delivery guy gets insulted, Internet gets revenge” will serve as a conversation starter. Post-viewing, we’ll explore the video content via a series of questions.



This part of the lesson will introduce “wish”and “if only” as means of expressing regrets. A number of useful examples will be provided to ease the learning experience.



Students will have the chance to practice their new knowledge by rewriting sentences using “wish” and “if only.”


Pick a card

Students pick a card that reveals a description of a situation that elicits regret. They are asked to describe the regret using “wish” and “if only.”



The students will read a short text about regrets and answer the questions that follow.



The lesson concludes with an exercise where students discuss the consequences of their actions.



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