Boys don’t cry

Boys don’t cry

Lesson overview

In this Upper Intermediate ESL lesson, students will watch a video and learn about a practice known as hazing. They will learn to give strong advice in a communicative activity, and they will learn to express official rules and regulations.


Warm-up discussion

The lesson starts off with the student sharing their knowledge and experience with different types of groups people want to be accepted in.

As an introduction to the video part, there is a matching exercise in which the student learns new vocabulary which will be used in the video (e.g. pledge, frat, initiation, etc.).


Video: Why we let hazing happen

After watching the first part of the video explaining a phenomenon popularly known as hazing, the student tests their listening skills by answering questions based on the video.

The same task follows after watching the second part of the video.

Then, the student expresses their opinion on hazing in different types of groups (military, sports teams, etc.).


Reading: Boys don’t cry

The student reads a soldier’s opinion on hazing and the army life in general, then decides if the statements are true or false. They read the opinion again in order to identify words and phrases used to give advice, which serves as an introduction to how to give strong advice.


Giving strong advice

Different phrases are introduced for the student to see how to give strong advice (had better, really ought to, should absolutely). The student then uses these phrases in hypothetical situations using props.


Strict rules and regulations

The student reads about fraternity rules and regulations, and identifies the difference between two sets of rules. Then, they use phrases such as it is mandatory, it is not permitted, etc. to set strict rules and regulations, and they correct the mistakes in some sentences.


Wrap-up discussion

In the final part of the lesson, the student discusses the meaning of the phrase ‘boys don’t cry’ as well as the initiation practice.



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