Grammar causes many difficulties in learning any language, including English. Moreover, there are many myths about grammar issues which further discourage learners. Fortunately, there are ways to disenchant the negative attitude and turn learning grammar into pure pleasure!
Effective lessons are planned lessons
Few people realise that a poorly planned English lesson is a frequent cause of failure in learning grammar. A common mistake is to spend an entire lesson solely on grammar. Combining theory with tedious grammar exercises is a bad idea, because adult learners will not only be bored with grammar, but also tired of learning it. Sometimes these negative emotions are also accompanied by frustration, especially if the teacher does not indicate the purpose of learning new grammatical structures. ESL Lesson Plans, which are carefully prepared ready-made lesson plans, can protect you from all these negative things.
Practical approach to the discussed issues
Part of working with adults is a careful selection of materials. These materials should include, above all, authentic materials that allow for mastering „everyday language“, i.e. the language actually used by native speakers. Effective English lesson consists in skilful use of grammar during lessons and combining it with other skills improved during lessons, such as listening, reading and speaking. An adult learner who sees the practical use of grammatical structures is more motivated to learn and assumes that the structures will be useful to him/her and that he/she will be able to reach a native level. And this is undoubtedly the goal of every learner! There is one more important thing to remember, that is to adapt the level to the listener’s ability and not his/her will. It is understandable that many people at the beginning of learning declare that they will reach higher levels, but this plan should be reasonably planned so that it does not exceed the real capabilities of the learner. Otherwise, incomprehensible and difficult issues will increase the feeling of boredom.
How to conduct lessons
Planning the next lesson will certainly be easier with ESL Lesson Plans, which will present each topic in an interesting way. In addition, all issues are divided thematically, so every teacher can choose the topic that interests the learners the most. It should not be forgotten that the role of the person conducting the lesson is very important. It’s not only about competence, content-related preparation, good accent or other features that adults view positively. It is also about personality and the ability to motivate learners. Sometimes even the best plan will not work without motivation. Every learner, regardless of age, has his/her weaker moments, which is why it is so important to motivate them to further achievements.
It is time for a brief summary of what you should keep in mind during an English lesson if you do not want to bore your adult learners with grammar.
1. Lesson plan adapted to the learner’s abilities and expectations – First of all, prepare a lesson and divide it into modules. Define the methods and objectives of the lesson. Inform your learners about them. Adapt the topic to their actual interests and abilities.
2. Adapt the pace to the abilities – Do not expect quick results and do not achieve them with monotonous exercises in a traditional form. Today’s world is interactive and repetition is the main way to remember new things.
3. Practical approach – Choose authentic materials and focus on language used by native speakers. Movies, interviews with famous people or newspapers published in English speaking countries are valuable for an adult learner. And most importantly, thanks to such help, learning grammar will not be so terrible anymore!
Keep all this in mind during your lessons and do not forget to have the appropriate attitude. Positive energy, passion for teaching and learner’s motivation to learn are really valuable!